Books for Wizards & Rogues
(and business leaders, too)
Note: like all developing minds, I cringe at my earlier published works. If you’d like to keep up with my latest musings—subscribe to The Museletter ❤︎
How to Lead a Quest
—a handbook for pioneering leaders—
Unlock new and meaningful progress.
#strategy #leadership #culture
Discounts can be arranged on bulk purchases—email kim@drjasonfox.com
Also available on Amazon, iBooks and Audible too.
The print version is the best—you’ll benefit from the gorgeous illustrations by dangerlam
The Game Changer
—shift behaviour, shape culture—
A refreshing approach to motivating progress at work.
#motivation #progress #change
Discounts can be arranged on bulk purchases—email kim@drjasonfox.com
Also available on Amazon, iBooks and Audible too.
The Cleverness
—a precursor to wisdom—
Thoughtful provocations for the quietly dissatisfied
#business #philosophy #artistry
240 x 195mm | 150 pages | limited edition print run
(very little stock available – email kim@drjasonfox.com)
The Museletter of Dr. Fox ·*:・゚✧
Perhaps you’d like to join the 11,000+ readers who subscribe to The Museletter—a weekly epistle for those who seek to be more effective imposters within the mythical ‘future of leadership’ (totally nsfw).